Bail Applications
When you have been charged with a criminal offence and are placed under arrest, you may be refused bail by the Police and brought before a Court for a bail application. Our team is experienced in appearing in these first-instance bail applications in Local Courts throughout New South Wales. This is a crucial stage in the proceedings and it is essential that you have the best representation because there are limited circumstances in which you can make a second bail application. If you are refused bail, Ryan Payten Le also have extensive experience successfully advocating for bail in the Supreme Court of NSW in subsequent applications.
Being charged with a criminal offence can be daunting and it is fundamental that you have an experienced solicitor defending you in Court. Our team are accomplished advocates who are able to analyse complex briefs of evidence, distil the legal issues, and strategically unravel the prosecution case. Ryan Payten Le understand how important it is to convey to the Court your side of the story and prepare your defence to each aspect of the criminal allegations.
Serious criminal charges are defended in the District and Supreme Courts of New South Wales. We understand that the proceedings can be drawn out, complex, and overwhelming to defend. Ryan Payten Le have defended people accused of all range of serious criminal charges and have had many resulting in an acquittal. Our firm works closely with senior and junior barristers and we have a well-established network of experienced counsel that we brief to defend your criminal charges.
It can be devastating when you are convicted of an offence that you did not commit or given a sentence that is too harsh. Our team regularly appears in appellate matters in the District Court and Criminal Court of Appeal. We are skilled in reviewing the proceedings of the lower Court, analysing the severity of the sentence imposed, considering whether there were legal errors or incompetence, and advising on the merits of an appeal. It is crucial that you have a skilled legal team in your appeal because this can be the final opportunity for you to get the right result. Ryan Payten Le can assist you with lodging your appeal paperwork, preparing, advising and appearing in the appeal.
Traffic Matters
Being charged with any traffic offence which may mean the loss of your licence or a criminal conviction can be a very stressful experience. We understand the importance of avoiding a conviction, minimising the fine, keeping your licence or reducing the time you are suspended or disqualified, and explaining the circumstances of your driving offence. Ryan Payten Le are experienced in advocating for defendants in all range of traffic matters and fighting for the best outcome possible.
Apprehended Violence Orders
We advise and represent defendants in Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders and Apprehended Personal Violence Orders. It can be difficult when these applications are brought against you by the Police and you are prohibited from returning to your home, or contacting the protected person and/or your children, or collecting your belongings. Ryan Payten Le can assist you with property recovery orders, negotiating the conditions and duration of the final order, or contesting the entire application.
Sentence Proceedings
When you are being sentenced for a criminal offence and want to make sure that the Court understands your side of the story, it is essential that you have skilled representation in Court. Ryan Payten Le have extensive experience in advocating for the best possible outcome and ensure that the Court takes into account all of the personal circumstances leading up to the charges, for example: good character, financial hardship, family issues, mental health issues, disabilities, substance dependency etc. We are committed to supporting you through this daunting process and ensuring that we achieve the best results in your sentence proceedings.